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NCERT Solutions Tips and Tricks

NCERT Solutions Tips and Tricks

Abhishek Shukla747 13-Dec-2019

NCERT Solutions are a great asset for students who wish to secure good marks in their exams. This is so because they are known for clearing the fundamentals of any chapter or topic so that students can solve all questions without any confusion. Especially in the maths and science subjects, which demand an understanding of various formulas and practices of problems. The tips and tricks given below will help you score well with the help of NCERT solutions easily.

Read beforehand

It is always advised to get the NCERT Solutions beforehand. This way, the students will get a chance to stay ahead of the lectures in class. This will be beneficial because when you will read the chapter beforehand from your NCERT Solutions, you will be able to understand the topic easily when taught in class.

Moreover, you can ask better questions and get your queries solved efficiently. Therefore, this will make theoretical subjects interesting and practical subjects simpler. Above all, your foundation for knowledge will be built strongly that will help you further in solving questions.

Derivation is Key

You will surely come across pesky formulas and equations which will make the chapter more challenging, however, with the help of your NCERT Solutions, you can even simplify that. How? Well, remember, simply mugging up the formula won’t help you; you need to understand its derivation thoroughly. This way, whenever a formula-based question will be asked, your understanding of its derivation will help you work through it.

Moreover, if you ever fail to recall the formula, you will always have the derivation in your mind for a better understanding of the problem. Additionally, NCERT Solutions have given these derivations in such a simple language that one won’t face any kind of trouble in comprehending it.


The phrase ‘practice makes a man perfect’ serves true in this instance. If you are a student, you know very well that nothing comes without practice. Studying at the last minute when your papers are about to start won’t help you. But, constant practice throughout the year will.

The subjects of maths and science specifically demand quite some time which every student must be willing to invest. No scientific discovery was made overnight, it required years of practice. Similarly, make sure to practice the questions and problems in your NCERT Solutions so that you won’t have trouble solving them in your exam paper.

Make Notes

While it is true that NCERT Solutions are very easy to understand, it is nonetheless important to keep making notes of the important terms and keywords. This way, you can easily revise your content later. Moreover, always remember that your NCERT Solutions are the ones that will clear your basic concepts.

Therefore, it is always advised to first refer to these books before jumping on to the advanced ones, however, you might not need them once you have your NCERT Solutions. Remember to revise from solutions before your exams especially to get a better grip.


You willpower also counts the most in this scenario, as no matter how easy the NCERT Solutions maybe; you won’t get it unless you are ready to understand it. For that, you will require the willpower to study in a fixed pattern and do the constant practice.

When you will work according to the set time-table, you can work your way up with the help of NCERT solutions in a better manner. However, that does not mean you must study endlessly. The major point is to study all through in smaller amounts rather than mugging it all up on the last day.

Updated 14-Dec-2019
I am data enthusiast.

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